Current Project

Art për Demokraci – Art for Democracy

Projekti Art për Demokraci ka lindur prej nevojës së zhvillimit të demokracisë në vend. Fenomeni i korrupsionit i cili qëndron në rritje gjatë tre dekadave me radhë; fenomeni i transparencës së cunguar ndërinstitucionale, i manipulimit të votës dhe zgjedhësve, i mungesës së forcave të reja politike të cilat veprojnë brenda vlerave dhe praktikave demokratike, dhe mungesa e protestave qytetare tregojnë se Shqipëria nuk ka arritur ende nivelin e qëndrueshëm të një shteti demokratik.

Ndërkohë që vendi ynë po tregon vazhdimisht se ndërtimi i një shteti demokratik dhe të barabartë për të gjithë është ende i largët, qytetarët duhet rrisin pjesëmarrjen aktive në jetën dhe organizimin e strukturave vendore. Projekti Art për Demokraci synon të frymëzoj praktika demokratike duke nxitur qytetarët në pjesëmarrje aktive kundër padrejtësisë dhe korrupsionit, kundër frikës politike dhe mbartjes autoritare në vend. Ky projekt është ndërtuar mbi tre praktika bazë të demokracisë dhe vepron për: pjesëmarrje aktive qytetare në organizimin e strukturës vendore, transparencë institucionale dhe demokraci në veprim. Këto tre praktika marrin formë nëpërmjet Teatrit Legjislativ, përdorimit të Artit Figurativ dhe Video Artit për ndërgjegjësim dhe nxitje të shoqërisë për veprim të qëndrueshëm. Nëpërmjet këtij projekti, Tek Bunkeri beson se do të ndikojë në transformimin e këndvështrimit të vjetër të shtet-bërjes, aktivizimin qytetar, dhe dobësimin e korrupsionit në vend.

(Shënim: Demokraci me pjesëmarrje do të thotë pjesëmarrje aktive e qytetarit në vendimmarrje që kanë të bëjnë me ligjet dhe rregullat të cilat ndikojnë drejtpërsëdrejti në jetën e tij).

Arti Per Demokraci Copy

past Projects

2023-2024 | Culture for Sustainable Development: The Untapped Potential

“If we compare our social development with a moving train, art and culture should be its locomotive.”

Our project focuses on the history of ex-political prisoners, historical sites and culture heritage to nurture the growth of Albanian socio-economic progress. The project combines art and culture to promote better opportunities in the country’s future. By understanding the untapped potential of our culture, we can protect the present and build an inclusive and qualitative future.

This project promotes cultural growth, inclusiveness, and cultural sites as a source for sustainable socio-economic development and gender sensitive simulations. It supports and encourages youth from different backgrounds, communities, and people to learn new ways to create crafts inspired by Spaç former political prison. Insofar, primary objectives such as meeting with ex-prisoners to inform them about the project, creation of 47 face mask (sculptures), and 47 life story recordings were achieved successfully. The project is effectually increasing awareness on the importance of cultural heritage and history. Also, it advocates for management of cultural sites with a focus on “Spaç Prison” through creative approaches. In addition, this project has become a spectrum of creative workshops and training for youth. Consequently, public knowledge on preserving the past is growing. Communities, youth, artists, experts and craftsmanship are engaging in the opportunities provided by this project.

Until today, the general number of people engaged in the project is nearly 220, with 106 in the participation lists, 74 experts and artists, and approximately 40 of them were visitors and people who facilitated the process of mask creation.

“The project is supported through the EU4Culture program, which is funded by the European Union and implemented by UNOPS in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation. The project is realized by Tek Bunkeri, Tirana.

2021-2023 | Artivist Stafetë

“Artivist Stafëte” is a project funded under the grant for Support to Active Citizenship by the European Commission and is funded by the European Union. The project is implemented locally by Dutch organizations MasterPeace and Stichting art.1, in partnership with Open Mind Spectrum Albania (OMSA) and ACT for SOCIETY Center. This project aims to improve the environment for active citizenship and civic participation by providing civil society sector organizations (CSOs) with tools to grant-marginalized groups and side-lined voices in Albania with instruments to infiltrate the mainstream narrative and democratic dialogue at a local, Albanian and European level.

2017-2019 | Precious Plastic

With Precious Plastic Albania, we created the first DIY-Recycling Workspace in Albania that we grow into a Social Enterprise for unique design items made from 100% locally sourced plastic waste.

We offer free educational workshops for schools, youth groups and any interested individual and build a community of collection points and active citizens tackling plastic waste pollution in Albania.

Vila 3 - Cultural & Social Space

Together with Hapesire Kulturore Uzina we turned an old Vila at the heart of Tirana into an open cultural and social center. 

As Tirana and Albania lacks civic and cultural spaces we provide a space for independent culture and arts, social exchange and learning. The Vila 3 is a self-managed space open to all creatives, social actors, independent groups and every citizen.

2020 | Young Farmers Network

Together with members of our international networks and local young volunteers we create formats of community building and non-formal learning journeys around local challenges. We want to create team of young experts and practicioners that deepend their knowledge and practical experience in different fields to become peer-educators and action-driven teams in the future that support each other’s small projects and communities in need through collective action and project development.

With the support of the Robert Bosch Foundation and iac Berlin we implemented the first workshops on permaculture and sustainable gardening in Pellumbas in autumn 2020.

As part of the GIZ SRD Program we enable a group of young farmers in the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Value Chain to improve their marketing and business diversification skills and to grow together as a community by identifying and addressing shared needs and challenges.

2020 | Riaktiv

With the support of UNDP Albania and the municipality of Rrogozhina we are creating the first self-organised youth group in Rrogozhina. Together with students from two high schools we will start monitoring environmental pollution between Rrogozhina and the Shkumbini Delta. Students will learn how to self-organise and create their own activities as well as campaign and advocate for better waste management and environmental protection.

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